
Friday, December 2, 2011

Eating Dirt.....

December of 2011 has finally arrived.  iPhone 4's are exploding, the Santa Ana winds are hammering the west coast and among other odd news hospitalizations for eating dirt has increased.  Yes, there are no typos there.....hospitals have reported an increase in the number of patients being treated after eating non-nutritive substances.

It's called Pica.  Individuals with Pica feel compelled to eat substances such as dirt, chalk, toilet paper and other items.  I have also seen individuals with this disorder eat hair and denim.  Those who eat things such as hair and denim will often seek hospital treatment as the body isn't capable of digesting these things.

These individuals experience their "desire" to eat these items as almost one of compulsion.  I suppose you could say it is similar in some ways to that of an Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in that sometimes they obsess over eating the item and then feel compelled to eat with may temporarily relieve the obsessive thoughts or anxiety.  At any rate.... you can see where this has the potential to be a real medical emergency.

Patients most likely to experience this are children, pregnant women and those with Autism.  Other individuals may also eat non-nutritive substances requiring hospitalization but they do so for different reasons.  For example, a dementia patient who believes a plastic piece of fruit is a real one or either an individual with an intellectual disability who may do the same thing.

Amongst exploding iPhone 4's, west coast winds and other strange news.... Pica is on the rise and the DSM-V will hopefully offer some insight into this disorder although it isn't scheduled for release until May 2013.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday

Thanksgiving conjures up images of thankfullness, family, eating turkey.... and then..... "Black Friday."  A day after everyone has gathered to give thanks, they gather again, in long lines, parking lots and outside the doors (of whichever retailer who has yet to open) to shop for deals and kick off the Christmas season.

Sadly, it is also the perfect example of what can happen when the demand for a product vastly out numbers its supply.  So far, store associates have been trampeled to death, mace and pepper spray have been used along with stun guns.... and we can't even begin to include the numerous fights, grabbing, snatching, yanking and pulling that ensues as consumers grapple for their items.

Part of this frenzy and mayham can be attributed to the retailers who have high demand items at extremely low prices but with one major dilema... a very limited supply.  Shoppers realize the supply is limited and their need and/or desire to secure these items sometimes trumps logic as they resort to petty, criminal and sometimes lethal means to obtain the goods.

The amount of aggressiveness used to purchase some of these not so necessary items makes me wonder what exactly would happen if the items in demand were, in fact, necessary.  I wonder what would happen if the demand for food or medicine drastically exceeded the supply? Would people resort to lethal or deadly means to secure items which are necessary?  It makes one ponder whether or not mankind has become so unthankful and insensitive that they are willing to trample on others all for the sake of a good deal on an item they probably don't even need to begin with.

As black friday adds continue with stores opening earlier than ever and some even on Thanksgiving day it is unlikely that this will change any time soon.  I would imagine that in the near future security guards as well as police departments will become increasingly involved in order to keep order within the public.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Social Intelligence

Social Intelligence

What is it about social intelligence that some people get and others don't?  Those who are considered to be "socially intelligent" often seem to "walk among the rain drops".... excuse the pun.  If you are extroverted, social and able to navigate complex social situations with relative ease you may indeed be someone who ranks pretty high on the scale of social intelligence.  One scale used to measure this capacity in individuals is the George Washington Social Intelligence Test (GWSIT).  There are several subtests to this scale and they include the categories of

1) Judgment in Social Situations;

2) Memory for Names and Faces;

3) Observation of Human Behavior;

4) Recognition of the Mental States Behind Words;

5) Recognition of Mental States from Facial Expression;

6) Social Information; and

7) Sense of Humor:

I suppose whether or not you consider the following categories to be indicative of social intelligence is a matter of opinion.  Many professionals have since scrutinized the (GWSIT)  because of its strong correlation to abstract intelligence.  J.P. Guilford researched the topic and developed his Structure of Intellect Model which postulated there were approximately 120 different "intellectual abilities."

At any rate, however the concept is measured, it would be nice if these skills could be taught, either in school at some point or at the local college.  Not that this is likely to happen any time soon but it would sure be nice for individuals such as myself.  With this in mind, I took the liberty to google what can be done to help those (such as myself) who are socially inept.  This is where I discovered the work of another blogger who beat me to the finish line.

I'm not sure what the rules are when it comes to using another blogger's name and/or work on your own blog so I thought I'd include the web address and allow you to read for yourself some fantastic ideas for developing social intelligence.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Finding Your Personality

          I recently purchased a book written by authors Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson titled "Personality Types: Using The Enneagram For Self-Discovery."  I have to say... it was actually a very intersting book in regards to personality and can be very informative if you find yourself dealing with difficult and challenging individuals.  The Enneagram is a tool used to explain the different and various personality types.  Further, it goes on to explain that their are nine different levels to each of the personalities.  The first three levels are considered to be "healthy" while the middle three levels are considered to be "average," and the last three levels of the personality describe the "unhealthy" characteristics of the personality.

          Each of the personalities belong to a Triad.  There are three "triads" the first of which is "The Feeling Triad" consisting of Personality Two: The Helper, Personality Three: The Motivator, and Personality Four: The Individualist.  The second triad is "The Thinking Triad" which consists of Personality Five: The Investigator, Personality Six: The Loyalist, and Personality Seven: The Enthusiast.  The third triad is considered to be "The Instinctive Triad" which consists of Personality Eight: The Leader, Personality Nine: The Peacemaker and Personality One: The Reformer.

          In brief, each of the personality types possesses characteristics which are unique to that personality.  The author also goes on to explain why some personalities are prone to experiencing neurotic and psychotic type behaviors.  He elaborates in detail with why some individuals experience sever anxiety and depression and why some may decompensate to a state of utter psychosis, completely absorbed with their delusions and hallucinations.

          Although I don't necessarily think it's precise or exact to lump individuals into one of nine categories the authors make a compelling argument by using the Enneagram (pronounced ANY-uh-gram) to explain personality types as well as how the fit with the current DSM manual and other forms of mainstream therapies.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Psychopaths Among Us

          Occasionally, as I navigate the world that is cyber space, I come across an article that completely nauseates me and then, infuriates me.  Such was the case when I came across an article about Robin Greinke.  A 26 year old Illinois woman who, along with her boyfriend, 33 year old Steven Neil, beat her 3 year old son (yes three) Noah Fake to death for wetting his pants.  They then sat down to a pizza dinner, drank beer and watched a movie.

           Later in the night the mother called authorities to report that "her son was wheezing" and that "she couldn't sleep."  Medics initially believed he was suffering from Meningitis due to the bruising but an autopsy later confirmed he had actually died of blunt force trauma to the head.  Robin Greinke then admitted they had beaten, tossed and punched three year old Noah Fake for wetting his pants.  Robin Greinke beat him for approximately an hour after which her boyfriend then stepped in to continue the beating for another hour.

          I can not imagine what little Three year old Noah endured during his last moments of life.  Although I'd like to believe that he was surrounded by the loving comfort of God and His angels as Noah obviously could not have experienced the loving comfort of a mother.  Not only does my heart ache for Noah, my mind races in an effort to determine what type of person could do such a thing?

          The only answer I can muster for such a question is that there are obviously psychopaths amongst us.  They are raising children, working in our communities and in some cases even attending our churches (as was the case of Dennis Rader, the BTK killer).  The one glaring trait of a true psychopath is a blatant disregard for the rights of others.  The traits that allow most psychopaths to perform unspeakable acts on others are two fold 1) they are often impulsive and fail to plan ahead and 2) they are often irritable and aggressive.  The formula of aggressiveness combined with impulsivity and a blatant disregard for the rights of others makes a perfect recipe for disaster.

          Psychopaths (also known as Antisocial Personality Disorder) often display a lack of empathy for others and have an inflated sense of self.  It is not unusual for them to display grandiose behaviors or even appear cocky and self-assured.  They are typically consistently irresponsible, especially when it comes to job responsibilities or those of raising children.

          In short.... they are members and citizens of society and at times, when the circumstances align themselves accordingly... their explosive, unempathetic nature, rears its ugly head and most of the time, it is the innocent, who are caught in their crosshairs.


Saturday, October 15, 2011

Drowning Your Sorrows


          It's no secret that the economy has been enduring a recession for quite some time now and recent research suggests that more people are drowning their financial sorrows with the help of some alcohol.  Previous research once suggested that drinking and binge drinking declined during a bad economy however recent studies indicate otherwise.

          The following excerpt is from  A web site I frequently visit and whose blogs I read daily.  One blog in particular captured my attention, written by David McCracken, MA, LPC and discussed the issue of drinking as it relates to a down economy.  The following excerpt was taken from this blog:

"Health economist Dr. Michael T. French from the University of Miami and his collaborators found that heavy drinking and alcohol abuse/dependence significantly increase as macroeconomic conditions deteriorate.

The study discovered that binge drinking increased with a rise in the state-level unemployment rate. Driving while intoxicated and alcohol abuse and dependence also increased for both genders and across ethnic groups.

Among the study’s other findings:

•The consequences of the unemployment rate on excessive alcohol consumption was demonstrated for all population subgroups in the study, with African-Americans and those aged between 18 and 24 years displaying the largest binge-drinking effect;

•The number of children in the household and being married is negatively related to alcohol abuse and dependence;

•Binge drinking is more common as the educational level and income of individuals increase.

The new study suggests that service providers for alcohol abuse programs should prepare for an increased demand for their services during an economic downturn. Unfortunately, many economists predict the unemployment rate in the United States will remain high for several years.

Source: Health Economics"

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Bullying and Suicide


           I know I have blogged about bullying before but it has become such an epidemic that I think it warrants a second blog.  It seems that all too often... the consequences of bullying are becoming so severe that adolescents are taking their own lives. (I am sure this will lead me to blog later about the topic of suicide).... but at any rate.. the story below is an account of two adolescents who took their own lives to escape bullying.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


          Ahh,... so much to blog about when it comes to mental health but such little time to devote to writing!  So..... I thought my next blog should be about something very common that millions of people experience and live with on a daily basis.  Anxiety is one of the most common issues facing Americans these days.  Everything from Generalized Anxiety Disorder to panic attacks fall under the category of anxiety.  Some people may experience mild anxiety and exhibit symptoms such as worry, dread, fear, rapid heartbeat, sweaty palms or even hyperventilation.  Some individuals learn to manage their anxiety while others find that it interferes with their daily functioning including work, school, social activities and relationships.

          It's easy to assume that those who struggle with severe anxiety (to the point of interference with daily life) might be lacking some essential developmental skill or either have "learned" to "let things bother them," but nothing could be further from the truth!  Anxiety isn't prejudiced, biased, racist or even hypocritical.  It can (and does) affect all different ethnicities, races, both genders and crosses all age spans.  There is no secret formula to determine who will and will not suffer from anxiety.

          Some symptoms of anxiety can include excessive worry and tension, irritibality, muscle tension, headaches, sweating, difficulty concentrating, nausea and/or vomiting, tiredness, trouble falling or staying asleep, trembling or thoughts of impending doom or death.

          If you find yourself experiencing severe anxiety to the point that it has begun to interfere with daily life..... please know that it is ok to GET HELP.  You may not be able to always manage anxiety on your own.  Those who think less of you for seeking help are not worth mentioning in this blog and for others... they can most likely relate to the situation you find yourself in.  Help can range from seeing a psychiatrist for medication treatment or seeing a therapist for possible cognitive behavioral therapy.

          Above all, if you are suffering with severe anxiety (or even mild anxiety) devote some time to yourself and find a way to address and manage your anxiety.  Yes, that is correct.... I used the word MANAGE, because this is what you will need to do to address your anxiety since their is no magic formula to "get rid" of these symptom.  However, please know that they can be managed, there IS help and it is OK to seek it out if you feel you need to.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Depression and the Holidays


     Why in the world are the hollidays so stressful, depressing and anxiety provoking for some, yet joyful, fulfilling and satisfying to others?  Those who suffer Depression may likely find themselves more depressed and despondent during the holidays.  This usually occurs because they began to reminesce about loved ones who have passed or "the way things used to be."  It has long been known that those who suffer from chronic depression often have thoughts that "ruminate."  In other words, they continue to think of the same depressing things over and over again.  Yet for others the Holidays can be depressing simply because of all the stress involved.  Especially if you are hosting your in-laws or expected to attend one of the events AT your in-laws. 

     There are three areas where problems during the Holidays have been KNOWN to occur for years!  They include 1) Relationships 2) Finances 3) Physical Demands.

         The information listed below are some recommendations from the Mayo Clinic for having a "joyful" holiday season!!
    1) Acknowledge your feelings.  Don't be afraid to mourn the loss of a loved one or celebrate in something else.

     2) Reach Out.  If you are feeling lonely or isolated during the Holidays.  Don't be afraid to reach out to others for help and/or support.

     3)  Be Realistic.  The holidays will never be "perfect" in the sense that everything we feel we deserve and/or want will come to fruition.  Don't be dissapointed or angry if something doesn't work out according to plans.

     4)  Set Aside Differences.  Familes from all over the country have different ideas when it comes to celebrating the holidays.  Seek someone who is open to the concept of diverse ideas and is willing to understand your specific situation.

     5)  And finally, stick to a budget, learn to say no, don't abandon health habbits, feel free to take a breather and seek professional help if you need it.  Each of these categories represent ideas in which those who are continually depressed during the Holidays find themselves comprimising on.




 Bullying has become such a problem for children in school these days that state legislatures have been forced to pass "anti-bullying statutes" allowing schools to handle and address the problems associated with bullying.  It is estimated that everyday, thousands of children wake up afraid to go to school due to bullying.  Although the exact definition of bullying is debatable, most everyone agrees that it occurs when one person is picked on over and over either by an individual or a group with more power, either in physical strength or social standing.

     The two biggest reasons children are bullied include 1) appearance 2) social status.  Those children who are believed to possess a lower social status or those deemed not as "attractive" as other students are those most likely to be the targets of bullies.  Unfortunately, children who are openly gay or lesbian bear the brunt of bullying although bullies can target individuals because of how they look or act or because of race or religion.

     Bullying may include name calling, social stigmatism, tripping or even physical violence.  Girl bullies may resort to slander, emotional manipulation (inviting someone to a party only to discover there is none), isolating others or even shunning them.  Girls are also known to spread viscious and untrue rumors as well as refer to other girls as "slut," "whore," "bitch," or other degrading names.  In the case of Phoebe Prince, she was cyber bullied as well as bullied at school to the point of committing suicide.  On January 14, 2010 she reportedly hanged herself after relentless bullying by older girls for dating a football player.  In May of 2010 a Jemison, Alabama High School student jumped to her death from an interstate overpass after relentless bullying at school.  There are numerous other stories of children committing suicide due to bullying, hence the need for legislation regulating and controlling this phenomenon.


     1) Ignore the bully and walk away - remember, bullies thrive on the attention they receive from bystanders.  As soon as you begin to feel the victim of a bully attempt to leave the situation to go to the bathroom, the other side of the playground or even go stand near the teacher and strike up a conversation asking a question.

     2) Don't get angry - remember, bullies thrive on knowing they can control your emotions.  If you become visibly angry you have most likely given them the exact thing they are looking for.

     3)  Practice Confidence - practice ways in which to respond to the bully which show you are self confident and have no regard for their opinions.  For instance if your looks have been criticized you may respond with an answer which reflects your complete disregard for their opinion.

Above all, you should TALK about the bullying to someone you can trust and keep going until you find an adult who can help you manage and/or deal with the situation.  No one should have to endure bullying and remember, you are as valuable as YOU feel you are.  Bullies do not get to decide or determine someone's worth as an individual!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


     The DSM-5 also known as the "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" is scheduled for release in May of 2013.  The DSM "task force" as they call themselves have worked to develop and implement changes to the current DSM-IV and the new revisions will include updated guidelines for diagnosing and recognizing bipolar disorder as well as schizophrenia.  It is also believed that the upcoming DSM-5 will include the diagnosis of "Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder."

     For social workers working in the area of mental health the DSM manual is often the "guideline" or "blueprint" used in recognizing and identifying different psychiatric conditions.  While in most states (in Alabama for sure) social workers do not "diagnose" patients it is still helpful to know and understand the criteria of the DSM manual when working with patients who have a diagnosed and mental illness and sometimes, even with those who do not have a confirmed diagnosis of a mental illness.

     It is important to note that BEFORE any revisions where made to the DSM field trials "utilizing the new criteria" where completed in two different settings "1) a series of large, academic-medical institutions, and 2) a wide selection of clinical practice settings, such as solo and small group practices," (  The "Task Force" will also be making the topics of "Feeding and Eating Disorders" as well as "Elimination Disorders" part of the DSM-5. 

     "This restructured organization is designed to better reflect scientific advances in our understanding of psychiatric disorders, as well as to make diagnosis easier and more clinician-friendly. For instance, all of the chapters are organized in a developmental lifespan fashion, starting with Neurodevelopmental Disorders, which often are diagnosed in infancy and early childhood, and progressing through diagnostic areas more commonly diagnosed in adulthood, such as Sleep-Wake Disorders. Within each diagnostic category, the individual disorders are similarly arranged such that those typically diagnosed in childhood are listed first," (  

     For those who would like some more information regarding the DSM-5 scheduled for release in 2013 the "task force" has developed a web site filled with information on the new upcoming DSM as well as information regarding revisions.... you can check out their web site at

Friday, September 30, 2011

An Insurance Disaster...

     It was in August of 2010 that I realized I was pregnant and that soon... there would be a little munchkin on the way. At 30 years old and having been told once "you have ovarian cancer," (at about 23 years old), followed by "you'll probably never be able to have children," you can imagine my surprise and sheer joy. Finally!!... there would be a baby to call my own. I soon found out it would be a little girl and both my husband and I were delighted that everything looked great for both mom and baby.

     Eventually, things took a turn for the worse and what started out as a cake walk (no morning sickness, no nausea or even vomiting!) ended up every woman's worst nightmare! I began to have complications with blood pressure, terrible swelling, in not just my ankles, but hands and face. After two hospitalization I learned that I was pre-eclampsic and at risk for seizures and possible death if it couldn't be controlled.

    It was somewhere around this time I learned that my ALFA managed Blue Cross Blue Shield health insurance policy would not only cover any of my physician visits, ultrasound appointments or lab work.... they wouldn't even be covering ANY of the labor and delivery for what was already a complicated pregnancy. WHY??? you ask? ... Because ALFA managed health insurance policies do not provide maternity benefits for ANY woman who is not the "spouse of a MALE policy holder." So, because my HUSBAND did not have "family coverage" with them and I was "single" at the time of conception, ALFA's "policy" did not "allow them" to cover the pregnancy.

     When I questioned a representative from the insurance company on how this was even legal or possible to do (to someone who had been paying premiums for about 6 years) .... I was told that they in fact, did not have to cover ANY pregnancy for any of their "single, pregnant" policy holders. They further stated that I would need their "family coverage" to have "maternity benefits." Well, "Why in the world would a SINGLE woman need FAMILY coverage?" was the question that came to mind... but I knew I was fighting a loosing battle and with already sky high blood pressure, jeapordizing the health of myself, as well as my baby, I knew the conversation could no longer continue.

     What they were doing was 100% legal. They were not violating any laws because in this country it is legal to deny maternity benefits to women who are forced to purchase their health insurance on the own. The reason I decided to purchase my own health insurance in the first place was because I married my first husband at the young age of 20. After a very difficult divorce I attempted to find work on my own (after moving back in with my parents three years later.)

     As you can imagine, there isn't much work available for a recently divorced, 23yo female with no education. So.... I decided to go back to college. While pursuing my bachelor's in Criminal Justice and Master's in Social Work from the University of Alabama I made the decision to purchase my own health insurance, unfortunately through ALFA, so that I would be insured incase of any medical emergencies.

     Well, ... as of today, I am over $30,000 in debt to the physicians and hospital due to a complicated pregnancy. My credit rating is ruined and I may most likely seek out the option of bankruptcy as social workers aren't exactly known for "making the money." It is not an option I want. I would love to be able to pay my bills... even if I could do it through monthly payments.. however, the hospital only allows credit for "9 months" and I'm sure you can imagine the monthly payments on paying off $30,000 within 9 months. It just wasn't something I could ever even feesibly do.

     However, through it all I now have a healthy, happy and beautiful baby girl and someday I hope SHE can live in a country where this type of blatant gender discrimination through insurance isn't even a concern.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Spice.... The New (& Now Illegal) Marijuana


          It seems there's a new drug in town. It's marketed by the name of "Spice." It's psychoactive and chemical compunds mimic that of marijuana. Officials believe it is mostly consumed by younger people. The Children's hospital of Alabama has reported approximately 67 phone calls since October of 2010 from those who have been affected by this marijuana like drug.

          In many states it can be purchased at gas stations,on-line, herb & tobacco shops and incense stores.  It has recently been declared illegal in Alabama and it could just be a matter of time before other states follow suit.

          It's side effects include nausea,vomiting, hallucinations,paranoia, headaches and increased heart rate. Officials also report that three of the recent victims were ages 6-12, 15 of them were teenagers and 22 of them were in their 20's. Approximately 6,700 phone calls have been made to the poison control center since the introduction of "spice" which also goes by the names of "K2," "spice gold," "sence," "genie," Yucatan fire," "smoke," and "skunk."

The Drug Enforcement Agency has considred "spice" to be a synthetic form of marijuana and a "drug of concern."