
Friday, October 7, 2011



 Bullying has become such a problem for children in school these days that state legislatures have been forced to pass "anti-bullying statutes" allowing schools to handle and address the problems associated with bullying.  It is estimated that everyday, thousands of children wake up afraid to go to school due to bullying.  Although the exact definition of bullying is debatable, most everyone agrees that it occurs when one person is picked on over and over either by an individual or a group with more power, either in physical strength or social standing.

     The two biggest reasons children are bullied include 1) appearance 2) social status.  Those children who are believed to possess a lower social status or those deemed not as "attractive" as other students are those most likely to be the targets of bullies.  Unfortunately, children who are openly gay or lesbian bear the brunt of bullying although bullies can target individuals because of how they look or act or because of race or religion.

     Bullying may include name calling, social stigmatism, tripping or even physical violence.  Girl bullies may resort to slander, emotional manipulation (inviting someone to a party only to discover there is none), isolating others or even shunning them.  Girls are also known to spread viscious and untrue rumors as well as refer to other girls as "slut," "whore," "bitch," or other degrading names.  In the case of Phoebe Prince, she was cyber bullied as well as bullied at school to the point of committing suicide.  On January 14, 2010 she reportedly hanged herself after relentless bullying by older girls for dating a football player.  In May of 2010 a Jemison, Alabama High School student jumped to her death from an interstate overpass after relentless bullying at school.  There are numerous other stories of children committing suicide due to bullying, hence the need for legislation regulating and controlling this phenomenon.


     1) Ignore the bully and walk away - remember, bullies thrive on the attention they receive from bystanders.  As soon as you begin to feel the victim of a bully attempt to leave the situation to go to the bathroom, the other side of the playground or even go stand near the teacher and strike up a conversation asking a question.

     2) Don't get angry - remember, bullies thrive on knowing they can control your emotions.  If you become visibly angry you have most likely given them the exact thing they are looking for.

     3)  Practice Confidence - practice ways in which to respond to the bully which show you are self confident and have no regard for their opinions.  For instance if your looks have been criticized you may respond with an answer which reflects your complete disregard for their opinion.

Above all, you should TALK about the bullying to someone you can trust and keep going until you find an adult who can help you manage and/or deal with the situation.  No one should have to endure bullying and remember, you are as valuable as YOU feel you are.  Bullies do not get to decide or determine someone's worth as an individual!!

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