
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Substance Abuse & Triple C's

Recreational drug use has been a part of societal culture for as long as I can remember. Cannabis, Cocaine, Methamphetamines and a slue of other drugs have been used recreationally for years by teens and adults alike. One drug I am beginning to see more and more in my professional career as psychiatric social worker is the use of "triple c's," or "cold, cough and congestion" medication. Because these medications usually have some degree of ephedrine (a stimulant) many have learned they can take one or more boxes at a time to achieve a 'high.' These drugs have been abused for years by those who manufacture methamphetamine because the ephedrine is needed for the production of meth. What's more surprising is that a majority of individuals using these 'triple c's' are teenagers and young adults as they are more readily available than alcohol or other street drugs. They are found in most stores and unsuspecting parents are unlikely to question their child's needs for a cold, cough and congestion medication.